3 - 2025: Same old stuff
Buttons, Bloggie and not much else for now! I'm still working on the redesign I want for DeadWeb. However, I can't draw for shit and swiping random graphics off an internet search ain't 100% my style anymore. What I wanted to try is pixel graphics for an old PC, a TV and some consoles stacked together. A pixely triangle in the middle with each point pointing at 1 of the icons. Each leading to the themed pages of old TV shows, old streaming on the internet and old games. Think about the simple SpaceJam website with all the icons circeling the planet.
I was gonna scale back all the pages to these 3 and maybe a mini one with a sort of timeline of what junk I liked and played when.
Still need to find a normal way to get that Galt Undivided(Oh no, I can't find my own pages, did I delete this?) campaign up on RollaD3. Someday, someday!
In the meantime, a dear friend started tooling on a new site that I vibe with; Nazi Punks, Fuck Off!
I might not look it or radiate the vibe, but I used to go to punk shows and still blast the stuff to this day.
Added a little button to send me fan-mail! Or maybe even fan-males! I hope it works!
2 - 2025: A new little page!
I have never been much of an artist, but I've met lovely people who make wonderful things and sometimes gift me fun stuff or I get something cute made! So, the Fanart page!
Beyond that, nothing much! Little text touch ups, more writting on the Emu page and a Bloggie about a wall I saw.
Love ya!
2 - 2025: Bloggers catchup
Just some mini stuff. Buttons and a few Bloggies! Just a few little entries to catch up on. I got my PC back and had an intense week of playing everything that the laptop couldn't do.
But! A sweet friend of mine made some fun art of our characters!
It's Spiderwoman306! Jo made this super cute piece! I love how everyone always puts the spikey stuff on Tina the rat although that stuff is only in my selfies, to be seen is to be loved!
1 - 2025: A dash of letters
Added and trimmed some text here and there. Worked the text layouts a little on some pages. A double Bloggie, buttons and more touch ups on the sub sites of Deadweb and Roll A D3.
Some of ya'll know that my PC died like half a year ago and I finally just brought it to a repair shop. Goodbye vacation money.
1 - 2025: Splash of paint!
New year, new me, new site look. Not everything is 100% in order and some pages are being reworked into the new sub sites. But! It should be fine enough!
I've split the sidebars into more general tools and stuff on the left, and I've made the right one hold all my little personal things!
1 - 2025: We're swimming in the new year!
It's the new year, Happy new year! Added a new subsite for my personal tabletop last week, Roll A D3! A bunch of the same stuff is still under Tabletop on this website, but I'll move that later. I'm thinking I'll leave the sources and tips on this site and all journals, campaigns and characters go to Roll A D3. New bloggie!
12 - 2024: The last days of the year!
Just a little bit away from the new year and I'm here with mini updates! New side image that links to my little reblog tumblr, changed up some pics on other pages and a Bloggie!
It was added before but a little silently, I got an Emu section! Hush.
It's also sorta the 2 year(Time is convoluted in Lordran) anniversary of active Virtually Isolated! Made the site a little earlier, but did nothing with it till the end of that year.
I don't how and if we're celebrating. I dunno, Ask Me Anything, send Fanart and I'll build a prominent page for it. You can send whatever to Retro_rat@hotmail.com ! Well, maybe not just whatever, but ya know.
Happy New Year everyone! I wish everyone the best with their new year resolutions and I hope to get some things done myself. Remember, I love you. Stay together and stay kind.
12 - 2024: Xmas!
Only a little update for now, Buttons, Bloggies and small Xmas decorations! I'm adding small blurbs of text to Deadweb here and there and just playing with poorly wand-tooled PNG's.
Little attempt at putting the Zine pics on the page. Still looks a little bad though.
11 - 2024: The Deadweb prototype!
Moved the Shrines to the My Projects page. Still working on the Zine page. It's hard to try and fit good and large enough pictures in that flimsy iframe without it becoming a mess.
Also! Deadweb! I'm working on some pages where I just yap on and on about old junk from ages ago. Dedicated link in the right sidebar at the bottom. Deadweb still needs a lot of work, but getting the basic skeletons of pages out there helps motivate me to keep it up!
You may have caught the balloons and streamers for a few days, it was a mini birthday celebration!
10 - 2024: Happy Halloween!
It's Halloween! Almost! Sorta! Nothing too big today, small addition to My Projects with another Zine I made a few days ago. Small Bloggie about stickers I'm playing around with. As always, still thinking about changing the layout of this place and all that. We'll see how we do! I've been thinking about bringing the secret pages a bit more forward and maybe editing them up a little.
10- 2024: Commision call outs!
Today, Bloggie and another request.
2 of my friends have commisions running and could use a bit of an assist. If it doesn't speak to you, no worries, sharing is caring, too!
Matcha.EXE has fun, bright art and offers tons of options from sketch, bust, full body and above and beyond! I recently got a cute little thing made and Matcha.exe was very kind, kept me up to date, ran a lot past me to check and got me giant wonderful versions of my simple commision. You can reach them through your preferred method or browse their store at this link!
Joan can play you anything from acid jazz to 8-bit grindcore! Self taught and well versed in a multitude of instruments! She has musical commisions open right now and can be found by her Tumblr here or her KOFI here!
Thank you for reading!
9 - 2024: Same as it ever was.
More buttons and a bloggie! It's almost Halloween and I have nothing ready! I tried to mess a little with the colour scheme of the site but it was atrocious and I dumped it.
Still thinking about that Media page, but I just can't really think of a structure when I start tooling around in Dreamweaver. A little thing I try to do is keep everything within 2 clicks of each other. I don't want to make it so you have to go through more than 2 pages to get anywhere on the site. I don't want to make too many sub pages, but sometimes I have to scale ideas back to either fit in the iframe or blow it up to fill a full page. Both results are a little ugly to look at.
oh well.
9 - 2024: Galted with the sauce
Updated the Galt Undivided pages with colours for text and the picture of the Woodsedge council. Redid some pics on a secret page and finished my Morrowind Shrine! I made a little zine called "I have always been normal about Pokemon" a while ago and it gave me another idea for a pokemon shrine. I'm still not 100% sure where to go with that. Wanna merge the Shrine's and My Projects into a Media page and then maybe throw in write-up's on junk I like. Keep a little bookshelf, too.
I also joined the Transing the Internet webring! Check out my neighbours with the widget up there!
8 - 2024: Shout out
In the grim current age there is only... ummm... 40k visitors... to the imperium of Rat? Yes. 40k visitor party! For a mostly self indulgent little website I think it's neat I've reached some many people. Your mileage may vary. More buttons, no real bloggie. I've been a little sick here and there the last few weeks.
There is something I would like to ask though!
A friend of mine is about to make a big move to another country and could use a little bit of an assist.
You can find her website here, her Tumblr here and her ko-fi here!
If you can miss a bit of pocket change, it would go a long way. Even if you can't right now, don't worry.
8 - 2024: Inversion!
I finally tried messing with the colours of the site after some one shot me a helpful message about it. I had kinda fallen in love with the high contrast, but making the site reable is not something I wanna slouch on. It might still be subject to slight change.
Next to that, new buttons! Still thinking about roll-over images!
7 - 2024: Call me LaptopRat
Motherboard in my main PC is busted, so I'm just gonna mess around on my little laptop for bit. Little update to the Best Buds page and a new bloggie. Fixed how some pages would try and open new links inside the iFrame, still looking into roll-over images for the nav bar. Added some links to the blinkies again.
The Progress Pride flag used to lead to the Trevor Project whose work I still support in a high degree, but they stopped opposing the KOSA bill and I raised an eyebrow.
LGBTQI+ things and freedom of internet information are both valueable to me.
I would love a bill that aims to cull the extremist junk online on EC & KF type of stuff, but that's not what it's gonna be weaponized for.
I don't care how many times the outspoken conservatives that penned this bill push it, fuck you.
6 - 2024 : Galt up-to-date'd!
We're caught up with Galt Undivided! Pages 6 to 10 are here! I also hung the flags back up for the 100th Follower party! I hope you brought cake this time, it happened faster then expected! I wanna look into making the side buttons more reactive looking. Rollover image with a cursor or something, ya know? Maybe use the same cursor to point down on the Buttons box down below to invite scrolling down. I wanna get more relevant Blinkies to link stuff through, too. I try to think back to old sig's I would have on forums, but I'm drawing a blank!
Also thinking about remodeling the idea of my Shrines. Maybe I want a "Media" page where I just yell about things I've seen/read/played and drop the current Final Fantasy and Morrowind stuff in there.
I kinda like the site the way it is, but I wanna bring back a few old element likes a smaller Button box and maybe more variation in the pages. Less "everything in the Iframe box" and just a few whole new pages like Galt sorta does.
Which reminds me, I should fix all some
of my outward links that appear in the Iframe.
6 - 2024: TEAR IT ALL DOWN
Took down the party flags and the balloons, for now. On to the next year of rats! More buttons, bloggie and 2 more pages of the Pathfinder homebrew campaign of Galt Undivided. One of my favorite bits with Vaelron happens here. Happy Pride everyone!
5 - 2024: The 1 year anniversary!
While I only really started fiddeling with the site around November/December last year, The site was started at the end of May. I hung up some decorations to celebrate! I know I promised to get the Galt Undivided Campaign up here in full, but I've gotten a little sidetracked! All in due time, for now, go get some cake!
5 - 2024: Bones
Added the bare bones version of 2 notable projects/pages. Galt Undivided, found under the Tabletop sections and Koro from Eorzea, found under the Shrines.
Galt Undivided is a pathfinder game that I DM and player with 4 others in text only on Discord.
Koro from Eorzea is going to be a port over of my favorite FF14 blog pictures and such.
5 - 2024: Mini 'date
New bloggie, messed a little with a secret page, added more buttons and reworked the sidebar on the home page. Nothing big. I have a text-based tabletop adventure or 2 I might still wanna get on the site together with small tips and pictures that I have put on Roll A D3 before.
Added a Tabletop Tips page!
4 - 2024: I got old DnB in the background
More buttons and a little bit of a redesign. I honestly don't know what to do with the site to a degree. The button bar is a constant I like to keep in view, but I also liked the simple small size of the previous one. I dunno. Also changed how the Tabletop Page goes into my Characters page. It was too much of a mess to have the 3 boxes up there in such a confined spot.
While the idea of the site was always to showcase some old webcomics, share some tabletop resources and some simple everyday tools, programs and apps for people; I also wanna talk about things I do and am beyond the hobbyist of nostalgia, dice and plants. I don't know how to start this. The blog is very minor and visual happenings while the secret about page is a speck of despair before it goes into a timeline. I suppose I'll find the balance at some point. Blogging sites don't always feel that great for blogging anymore, ya' know?
I started by hiding a new page in the blinkies.
4 - 2024: spelchekur
Actually ran things through a spell checker and cleaned up some text. Little blog addition and more buttons. The usual stuff! No big things this time around. Maybe I'll fiddle with the layout again later on.
3 - 2024: Squish
I've removed the Tumblr and Youtube page and pushed them into My Projects. Also rewrote a little bit of that page. Removed the blinkies for them in the top right, too. Looking to fix a lot of the spelling on this trash site when I can. Added more buttons, as usual. Been thinking about throwing up a little guestbook in the lower left corner and maybe some autoplaying 1999's DnB that starts at 20% volume by default.
Gonna clean up the About pages. While I do wanna scream into the void and hope someday someone reads my junk and feels the same and less alone, it's all a bit of a mess to read through now. If you had a chance to read the Secret About Pages before this, congrats! I'm still in a constant struggle to see how much of myself I want to put online. I wanna yap on about stuff, but people tend to hate vocal, queer, rat girls. You know how it is.
Still thinking on how to "fix" the Tabletop page. I want all of it on there, but 3 seperate boxes in this teeny space doesn't really work.
3 - 2024: Frame data
I've finally managed to get this site in a iframe. I wanted to do that before, but the ancient, gimmicky Dreamweaver 2004 MX that I use could not handle that. Tossing the code by hand was tricky for a while, but we got it. It's still a little jank on the edges, but I got done what I needed. No longer will I have to update 26 individual pages with the sidebars and the bottom button box whenever I wanna adjust the layout a wee bit. I know, I'm very efficient. Even now, the frame is held together by snippets of codes from between 2004 and 2024. you can almost smell the glue if you lean in close enough.
Honestly though, this is one of the fun moments in trying your hand at web design and kinda evolving in the same way the standards did from it's infancy to now. I started with Solar Cyber Punk being plain box of text, image, plain box of text. Then the first version of this site was done in old school tables. Then we went to Photoshop for slicing and dicing, throwing on layers. Now we arrive at iframes. It's almost like I'm learning things again by just trying out junk, how frightening.
3 - 2024: Refit
Redid the layout again. Very normal way to go about every update, very normal.
Shuffled around a few things, added more buttons and added a Blog. Shrines are back and it's just the Final Fantasy 1 and Morrowind one for now. I'm thinking I'm going to keep my shrines small, simple and just a tiny personal expression of the thing. Some will really just be a .png and that's all I need it to be.
2 - 2024: Button Mania
Just a little patching up. Some little additions to the Best Buds and Personal Project Pages. Also added more buttons down below. Still thinking about adding a journal here with dreadful state of most social platforms out there right now. I dunno. We'll see.
2 - 2024: BECOME GAINT
I made things a little bigger! I wanted a little more room and move some things around. Most of the site is still the same and only minor things have been reshuffled. Some pages have been joined together to make it easier to get around the site and to keep things simple.
I put the Shrines portion on the side for the moment. I've done a few mock-ups but can't really seem to get started. Maybe putting this update live inspires me, who knows.
1 - 2024: Housekeeping.
Cleaned up some text here and there, added more buttons and threw up a few pages of my idea for the Morrowind Shrine . Still wondering how I want to work the About Me pages I have. I like yapping on about stuff, perchance. I'm also wondering how I make the Tabletop stuff more visible while dodging C&D's and whatever.
I'm still looking on how to make everything more mine. I don't cover that much of my hobbies or interests on this page and it's not really set up to be a journal where I can toss random or passionate thoughts.
1 - 2024: Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a grand xmas. I've been slapping this together in the meantime. I hope you didn't grow too attached to the old layout.
Tables are out, Slicing & Layering is in!
The site still has all the same info as the previous version, it's just been collapsed a bit into eachother. Still lacking my Shrines for the moment though!
Many pages have be en added, the actual Journals for 3 campaigns have their own page now .
Added a little window at the bottom with links and buttons from sites I follow. Check them out!
Links on the Misc page has an actual page now. All the sidebanners have little links in 'em.
Webcomics has been merged from 2 pages to one, having both the bit about archiving and the links combined.
12 - 2023: Xmas!
A large update!
Many links on various pages have been added together with many links in the side bar working.
I've added 2 large images on the right sidebar, these are quick links to other blogs I got and serve as placeholders until I make some more stuff. I was thinking of old jokey internet ads, but I might just pop open my own image folders and see what I can tool together.
OC's and Projects has pages now!
Rejoice! Rejoice louder!
Old / IRL is about physical stuff I made, It's not gonna be much, but it might be fun to look at for a sec.
Decades ago I made my own little trash universe with stories and characters inspired by games I was playing and shows I was watching. I found some of the figures again the other day, so I wanted to spotlight this fun little thing I used to have
VG Characters is for those poor souls that are tied to games that will die someday. I've always been better with a keyboard then a pencil, well, after they handed me the keyboard that turned out to be the case.
Misc Projects will mostly be for small digital stuff I do/did. VRchat avatars and... maybe more, we'll see what I have.
Solar Cyber Punk has a quick entry now. I should make a button for that site I guess, but I'm thinly spread on creativity sometimes.
12 - 2023: Expanded!
I've thought about adding more personal stuff to the site. More shrines, old projects and a better look at my Tabletop Campaigns.
Expanded the Shrine section. I might keep them a lot more simple then originally intended for the sake of getting them online faster.
I need to make sidebar images/ads. I remember these so clearly, but I feel there isn't a strong archive of these random old ones because they very much live in a very insidious form to this day.
I might just grab old pics I have and slap random text on them. Make some "Come play Milord" edits with old game Screenshots. Make Fantasia ads and promote it like a "marital aid". We'll see.
I also need to find a way to translate 2 other campaigns I ran lately. I ran these on discord and might need heavy editing to be readable. I threw them up on my Roll-a-D3 tumblr, but thats not much.
I do get to show my FF1 Roll20 adventures! I found out a whole while ago that you could put Webm's and Gifs in Roll20 and it worked. I added music to the maps and even gave it a silly false start.
I am gonna skip a whole bunch of adventures and characters that I deem not interesting though. A lot were simple one-shots and players never reused the same characters, so we didn't have a reason to start logging the journey.
12-2023: I can't stop
Okay, that last post has a little lie in it, maybe I'll do News whenever.
I really started blasting when I deceided to at least put the skeletons of the pages online instead of holding them in a folder. I'm a little more motivated to at least put basic stuff there as I put them online as opposed to half of it being [PUT INFO HERE] in Dreamweaver.
Worked on the Tabletop section a bit. As I put my little dice rolling OC's up there, I think I should put a page on for my other blorbo's and junk. I've been making gals, pals and NB'als in MMO's for ages. Let alone some of my other old writing and ideas from before the net.
I put a hat on the rat on the tabletop pages because I think I'm so fucking funny. I'm not even that big into RS anymore. I started like 2 months before RS2 came out and left way before EoC. It's just part of my old web. It was after I got my own PC that I moved up.
12-2023: Pow pow POW
I've added the skeletons of some pages and edited the hidden about page. I may or may not have went off to much. Don't think about it too much.
A bareboned version of the Webcomic List lives! I'm still fighting the concept of the Archival page. I don't have a full archive of the whole list, it's quite lacking to be honest. I can't host all of them though and it would be in poor taste for the ones still alive.
Tumblrs page, lets ya know about some of my side bits. I started with making small sites on HetNet, Angelfire & other free stuff and .TKíng them. Tumblr became a bit of a replacement because it still had a fun social aspect to it, next to just blogging and implementing HTML
I started a skinny version of the Links page but quickly remembered that I need to make another page for all the Neocity sites alone. Maybe even a divide between old web and new. I sneak in updates whenever, but post news weekly-ish for now. Laters.
12-2023: Another one.
Now there's an About page and a secret About page!
Next I'm thinking about the Tools and Links pages.
Tools & Plugins is gonna be basic stuff, music players, images viewers and other little programs. I'll mostly look to Firefox with my plugins, but I'm sure Chrome versions exist. Ublock, Tampermonkey and some other smaller ones.
Links, I'm not 100% sure yet. It might very purely be old and Neocities websites. I don't think I need to list the webcomics there as they will have their own section.
I need to go button and banner hunting for webcomics that don't exist anymore, what a pain. But later, a pain for later.
I do get to show you the old sites I would look at, the dumb ones, the funny ones and the ones that I only went to for like 2 songs and 1 funny rant. Like Imockery.
12-2023: That time I talked.
Right now we're still just a work in progress.
I had made the site ages ago but didn't know what I wanted to do with it. I kept a little journal site for my plants (which in hindsight would have been a better tumblr blog) on Neocities, but lacked skills to execute ideas. Now I'm tooling this together in Dreamweaver 2004 for funsies.
I hope to add all the Shrines and other pages as we go along. I had the idea to maybe style the individual Shrine pages to the specific one in the series I love the most, but we'll see how we do. I'm not much of a code wizard.
The webcomic will most likely just become brief write ups on long gone comics from way back when. While I can link to other archives hosted on the comic's site, a bunch will just get a little png, a summary and my thoughs on it. Some are just dead and gone.
For as far as tabletop and such go, some of this material is already on other sites, but I'm looking to keep a consice version of it all here.
I might start with the About, Tools and Links pages. Stay tuned.