Nayu Kiln
Nayu Kiln is an Half-Elf Life Oracle first made for a Rise of the Runelords campaign for the Pathfinder system. I only played her for a few small sessions before the group splintered.
Nayu was a kind soul who would grant cantrip blessings to any one she crossed paths with in good faith. Despite a horrible event in her past, she tried her best to spread positivity and kindness.
"Nayu was born on the outskirts of Razmiran to Elven parents on 15 Erastus (July). Her parents were slaves to one of the landlords there.
Nayu is the youngest of her family, having 2 older brothers. At early age Nayu was found have a slight magical knack. Her parents tried their best to keep it secret from those who take it from her or otherwise use her and her magic for selfish deeds. Nayu was taught early to aid those in pain or in peril. Her family was in constant fear of the ruler of the land and the landlord under them.
Once, Nayu was taken in the night by a small group of Razmiran soldiers. While she was tending to sick livestock, she was seen using her magic and was reported by a lookout of the Razmiran Military. They had seen her cast spells and tend to the wounded and wanted to use her to simply heal their own soldiers. In her captivity she attempted to escape but was caught. As punishment her captors had maimed her by cutting her right leg with a dagger and mocked her attempt at running away. After a week in solitary, she was freed by a small militia aiming to free any slaves of the Razmiran landowner. While she rushed home into her families arms, they all knew they had to leave. Sadly, only she and her brother, Yzun, were able to escape. They traveled from Razmiran to the East until they hit the lands of Lastwall. In a moment of grief, Yzun returned home and told Nayu to carry on.
Nayu pressed on from Lastwall towards the ocean. Making small stops at villages and sometimes sleeping in trees. Nayu is about to wander into Sandpoint to take a quick break and unwind from feeling chased and wishful for her families well-being. "
Vaarg Vilkness
Vaarg was a Dragonborn Paladin, an ex-soldier captured in his travels by a mad cult, looking to invoke occult gods. Vaarg and his friend, Norbin, were put in a slave camp and forced to survive the arena, the labour, the forming of the resistance and parenting a young girl whose parents had died by his hands.
"Vaarg was born to a small family in the Harglast region in a quiet settlement. He spent his early years learning small martial skills from his father and schooling at a local temple with his mother and siblings.
Soon a neighboring region of humans started to invade the Harglast outer reaches. It was quickly decided to mobilize an army of the collective settlements in Harglast and stand against the enemy. Vaarg and his father were both enlisted and were part of many skirmishes against their human invaders.
Years on the field, in trenches and humble tents left him ultimately a bit disassociated with regular folk. Vaarg was dead-set in his beliefs of protecting those dear to him and the cruel fate of war. The loss of allied lives weighed heavy on Vaarg and would slowly crumble his resolve.
During one fateful battle for territory Vaarg lost his father in an ambush set by his enemies. Swearing rightful retribution on them, Vaarg continued his bloody defense and soon found him growing closer and closer to the frontlines.
Throughout their lives, His older siblings found simple crafts to practice in the settlement and their mother slowly suffered from degraded health by her sorrow, worries and the news of her husband's demise later in the war. Vaarg was not present for these events.
During a trying time Vaarg came across a small, ruined temple and took a moment to pray for all those he had lost and left at home. A small tinge of hope entered his thoughts and brought him a minor moment of respite. For a bright moment, he envisioned his victory against his enemies and felt resolute in his actions.
Vaarg marched on until he found himself far from home with only few soldiers and comrades by his side. In an instant he found himself snared by an unidentified group of assailants and dragged to their settlement."
Lucas Levos
Lucas was taken by the same cult as Vaarg. Claiming to hail from a wealth, noble line, Lucas claims that when he gets out, he'll come back with all the Blue Knights!
" Lucas states he was born among foppish elite and worthless dukes. Wasting his time fencing, doing cordial visits to other delegates and attending balls to extend foolish bloodlines of snobs. He tells us he escaped the night before his
arranged wedding. Cleverly scaling his way down the side of his fathers castle, avoiding guards and fans along the streets. He tells us it was all very close and tense, but his skills and passion for being free brought him on the right path.
While "formerly known as sir" Levos claims to be from royal stock and carries himself as one of such, there is no trace of this when questioned. No-one mattered, everyone was transient and all he had was his training from a person he refuses to refer to."
SRP-12 was a simple maintance droid that came with the ship. A cheerful attitude and a small stature would make them perfect for stealth and eavesdropping. Not bad at sneaking grenades into the backline, either!
I made a bunch of Human Male Fighter / Paladin / Cleric's because the party needed one and the DM wouldn't just give us potions or scrolls. I don't care about them really. I got nothing to explore if I gotta just be the stoic version of myself for the sake of the table.
The generics tended to have short backstories. A lot of my fighters were variations on the same guy, Kain of Salansia. Sometimes spelled different, this was just a more stoic version of myself that required little roleplaying and would go along with the meta of the group.