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Edwin continues after a small applause break and sip of water. He peers around the crowd from his slightly elevated platform with a soft smile with arms stretched out wide. "And as i have told, I am committed to our citizens and city. I maintain my plan to elevate our South District. Far too long has crime allowed to run rampant. Shady deals and nefarious plans manufactured right within our city! Our city, that we treasure as our home! I am to wrong these rights, grant our south district safety, as any village, town or city should! We are a glorious assembly of individuals, but we can only shine when we don't fear starvation, daily suffering or oppressions!" Edwin takes a deep breath with a glint in his eyes. |
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The half-elf who is easily distracted wandered off a couple of times losing sight of his group. Local architecture seems to have quite the detail compared to those slums way back. "Ahh--Where was I? Hmmm...Where's everybody? "I should really regain my focus and head to where all that cheering is happening." He then takes a little jog towards the crowd and tries to get more towards the front and right side of the stage. "Ahh! I bet the rest is close!" "hmm, let me see." Vaelron climbs on top of a woodenbox close to the lively folk and scans the crowd over back and forth. |
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As you approach the assembly, you can spot Vylreene close to the side of the small stage. Vitor vaguely stands out amidst the more conservative folk and Kál is seen scanning the crowd. | ![]() |
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You take a moment and look intently along the crowd. Amidst the cheery folk and those simply walking off home or beyond, you don''t see anything too unusual. A few people stand and discuss while others smile and see Edwin leave his stage. |
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You stand only a few feet away from Edwin Murdik. Shielded by guards with stoic expressions, he waves and smiles to his followers. The scene is rather calm; a young human man close to you with paper and quill in hand franticly asks questions that don't break the surface of sound. A few older dwarfs give a salute with roughed fists and tired, worn faces. A guard meets your gaze. He turns back to Edwin for a moment, who in turn, faces you. He shows a gentle smile and gives a wave. The line of protection doesn't seem on edge by you being here. You seem to have a moment here, if you so chose. |
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As soon as Vaelron spots his own kind he immediately hops towards her in the crowd. He passes all sorts of cheery folk, kindly nodding to them every time he tries to pass one.
"Let's do that less clumsy than that time in the tavern..." He thinks to himself. nudging in between a couple more people and then soon he finds himself standing next to Vylreene. "Nys sal Wutheh va. Sen kar va linta?" (Sister I have found you. What are you seeing?) |
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Vylreene quickly looks to Vaelron to acknowledge him, she then looks back to Edwin, returns a smile and approaches him.
"Mr. Murdik, my name is Vylreene, this is one of my colleagues, Vaelron, we're here to support your fine security outfit. The rest of our group is nearby and ready to join us if this is an opportune time for you." She quickly shows the briefing letter, highlighting the seal with her finger. |
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Vaelron nods at Vylreene then turns his head to Murdik. He gives a polite little bow. | |
With his gaze still on Murdik Vitor breaks the line he was in and joins his companions, greeting Murdik with a quick nod whilst resting his hands on hip and pommel.
"Greetings. Name's Vitor, I'm one of the hired Muscle. Your current outfit seems to be fairly capable though..." Vitor breaks his gaze from Murdik's at the end of this throwaway line and glances at his guards briefly before resting it on Vylreene as he waits for her to continue. |
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Kál notes to himself
”Ah good, seems they have this covered..” He stays a distance from the group trying to blend in with the crowd. Circling to the flank of where they currently are, but within reach to help should anything happen |
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The Security guard between Murdik and Vylreene gives a careful glance at the Contractors Guild Writ. A small chin rub later he turns to his employer and states a cold "It checks out, sir." before stepping to the side and allowing Edwin Murdik a step forwards.
Edwin Murdik turns himself fully towards Vylreene with a growing smile. He makes a small welcoming gesture to Vaelron and Vitor in the form of a short bow. |
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"Ah, you've arrived. Good, good! I knew Callus wouldn't leave me out to dry!" Edwin giggles a bit to himself. His formal guise seems to have dropped. His motions are less exaggerated, but more fluid, more wavy. He collects himself and straightens his face. "My apologies, I'm sure you're in no mood for my small jokes or sayings. Again, thank you for being here. Please, follow me to the house. We have a few things to discuss that I would rather not spit out in the open." Edwin extends one arm towards his mansion and flourishes it with a swirling hand. The security guards around you seem a bit relieved with your presence. They step aside for a moment to allow you to pass and follow Edwin. Some even give you a small smirk and a nod in your direction. |
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After watching out for a while, Kál notices the group chatting to Edwin and decides to try catch up and follow along.
Ah, I see we’ve been introduced then! Kál says with a smile to Vylreene once he’s within earshot, making a subtle ‘I’m unarmed’ motion to the guards on approach. |
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The security team looks at Kál for a moment. The rest of the parties looks and facial expressions betray that you know each other. The closest guard steps aside for Kál and gives a nod.
As you start walking forward, the security team closes the gate behind you. Edwin waves and passes gentle smiles to the crowd as he slowly backs up and turns to the small road leading to the front door. The Murdik Mansion seems a bit smaller compared to some of the more luxurious estates surrounding it. While it is kept in a pristine state, it's building materials are rougher. Large, gray, rectangle stone blocks line it's outside. Windows adorned with wooden frames equally dot themselves all over the house. Most of the buildings around favor flat roofs which themselves are decorated behind high fences. Edwin's Manor would more resemble an overblown house. Triangle roofs with windvaynes crown the top of his estate and make way for a small steeple peering out from it's center. On the road leading to the large 2-doored entryway is along a lush and green path. Shrubberies leaden with berries, flowers in bloom carefully separate the flat, stone walkway from the vibrant, emerald garden. |
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Edwin walks towards his house with his team in tow. Their eyes shifting left and right as they march onward with Edwin in their midst. Edwin slows down a little and walks at your combined pace. He gives everyone a passing smile as you stand still at the large, crude wooden door. A man with slightly more white markings on his chest pocket gives a nod and a quick hand signal to neighboring watchers. The doors open inward and open into a well lit interior.
Before you a grand staircase leads up and spreads it walkways to your left, right and even curving behind you. Finely crafted wooden chairs and desks with slight metallic adorning's line your view. Paintings of finely clad armored warriors and fashionable nobles are spread through this lobby, lit by rough, iron chandeliers chained to the ceilings. Your boots are cushioned by a red carpet spreading all the way up the stairs. |
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"Again, thank you for being here. Please, follow me to the grand foyer so we may speak in peace." Edwin announces to you.
He gracefully waves his hand up the staircase. He leads you up and through a large door. You are greeted by warm candle light in the corners of this room. Large windows peer over the back garden, the street and the estates behind Edwin's. Animal rugs, a freshly lit fireplace, tables with fruit and upholstered couches are spread through this large room. in it's middle a large, but low table finds it's place littered with indulgences and paperwork. Edwin lands on a large, cushioned chair as a woman enters the room. With a purposeful stride she makes her way to Edwin with a plate in hand. From the plate she instantly places a cup before him and pours from a large tankard. She straightens out and peers at all of you. She remains silent. |
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"please, have a seat anywhere. Make yourself at home!" Edwin tells you. "Before we delve into our more serious manners, could I offer any of you any refreshments?" Edwin looks at you one by one before returning his gaze to the human woman next to him. She is dressed in a dark blue tunic, adorned with small heraldry similar to Murdik. Many pockets filled with numerous small items are layered all over her clothing. She keeps a stern gaze as she stands ready. |
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Vylreene looks around the room in admiration, moves towards the big windows and paces alongside them, taking in the view as she says:
"I'll join you in a cup of the same, Mr. Murdik, thank you. My compliments to the architect and designer, by the way, what a comfortable place to call home. She turns around to face the room once more and looks at the woman in blue. "I'm so sorry, I let myself get distracted by the view. Vylreene Magnorin, pleased to make your acquaintance." Vylreene says as she slightly bows her head. |
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The woman in blue turns to Vylreene and gives a small smile. With a polite bow, a gentle but audible "A pleasure." is heard from her. The servant delicately places a cup on the table and pours from the tankard. You identify the drink as a sweet tea with a slight earthy tone. A blend of tea currently a bit of a trend among the nobility. Silently she pushes it towards Vylreene and returns to her tense stance. Edwin himself delights himself in his hot drink as he adapts a more casual, comfortable position in his large chair. After a sip, a slight exhale and a clearing of his throat Edwin straightens his back and addresses you: "Thank you Vylreene. The builders didn't enjoy handling such large amounts of glass, but they certainly didn't think the coin to greasy to hold." |
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The bard stands up and makes a polite bow.
"It's seems that our spokeswoman is doing the word. I'll let you talk about the details. I'll hear it on the go. Thank you so much, my nobel lord, for receiving us in your mansion of splendor. Yet if you excuse me..The bard in me has the greatest urge to play a tune in your grand voyer. The need to fill these reverberating halls with music is getting the best of me. Allow me to play the lute in the background as you speak." |
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Vaelron turns around and walks passed the captured, noble men and warriors back into the foyer. He grabs his lute and notices that the warm and cozy temperatures have been tender on the strings. It's in tune. Vaelron has a soft smile upon his face.
Standing in the grand hall he gently plucks his strings. barely background music. Subtle. A minor chord strikes the beginning of the piece. He hasn't played this song often, yet he knows it by heart. (Song in OOC) Vaelron sways to his music standing there in his own emotion. |
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Before Edwin delivers his briefing you exit the room. Murdik grows a disappointed look across his face. Questioning eyes follow you as you hold your lute at the ready. An audible, disagreeing "hmm" emits from the servant maiden as the door closes behind you. In the hallway, some of the security detail give you a surprised look as you make your way to the center and begin to play. | ![]() |
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Edwin takes a moment to muffle a small laugh. "Oh, ha, oh, please. I mean it in no insulting way. I am in favor of proper unions and contracts for the builders of this great city. My father would moan and groan much about the absolute hostile workplaces in the younger days of Woodsedge. A master with ropes and pulley's they would call him. Ah, dear father." Edwin's eyes lose focus for a moment as he stares down to his tea. In strong silence, he takes a quiet sip and swallows slowly. "Ah, I forget myself. You've come to me at a turbulent time. I know that many people who rely on me are outside of these walls, waiting. Here I sit indulged in comfort while I must speak to you about the safety of my own life." |
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The past weeks have been getting to me. From the corners of my eyes I can see cloaks in the shadows with piercing eyes. Whispers and footsteps under my bedroom windows. I would say that perhaps my situation has left me a slight bit paranoid, but my security can attest to many of these happenings. It started with just raggedy men watching me intently at my gatherings, but soon more uniformed groups started appearing. I understood that by trying to clean out crime and mobster dealings I would come face-to-face with many seedy groups. But... But I feel the danger growing and see the threats becoming more serious.
And so, I come to you in my time of uncertainty and need. Rabble and organized mobs would thread careful next to my uniformed guards. You are not marked by signs or regalia of this city, on the surface you seem like a mere traveling band passing through. You can feint a slight bit ignorance about the current happenings without raising an eyebrow. To the unknown eyes, you might even seem malleable enough to earn some trust among my violent opposition. The South District would be the place to start. My guards report to have seen passing groups that match our robed, cloaked criteria passing through from there. We had asked some of the city guards for more information, but they seemed hesitant, proclaiming they couldn't perfectly remember the thousands of faces that pass by every day. Only special cases get memorized as they had told me. I'm sure it was my regalia that shone some bad light in their eyes and wallets. |
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As his voice becomes hoarse ever so slightly, he sinks himself in his cup for a moment.
But, before I truly forget. I have prepared accommodations for you. Both in my house and a few small locations I own. I wouldn't want to have people see you wander back and forth my yard for weeks. This is a small map of it. A slight bit cryptic to the unknown eye, but I'll elucidate that later. Now, what I require. I have to ask you to find your way into my civil opponents and see where their commands and orders come from. The city is not shy in political discussion in it's shadowy taverns and good ears could land you knowledge to get an in. |
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For now. I ask you make yourself at home. I offer a place of rest. Tomorrow my security will show you a more hidden way out of my mansion. I will do what I can to help shield you.
That being said; I'm sure you have questions. Please, go ahead. Edwin leans back in his chair. A slight elated expression comes over him. He slumps his shoulders like a weight still leans on them as he quietly raises his cup to his lips. The servant rests her hand on his shoulder as Edwin softly exhales. |
After listening to Murdik's words intently, he walks past the well-mannered female waitress whom he continues to ignore.
"No questions. And thank you, tomorrow we'll..." He says whilst reaching for the map in Murdik's hand. "I apologise I mean no disrespect Ser, I've already accepted this contract and am ready for the job. Asking questions isn't part of it." His eyes squinting slightly, rolling back and forth ever so slightly. "But regardless Ser, trust that I take my job serious. Any help or information that could be considered relevant would be very much appreciated." "I would like a shift in your midnighters bodyguard Ser, just to be sure it's done well. Me and my fellow Contractors will converge for our first move come dawn." After his say Vitor's dull eyes remain affixed to Murdik's and his usual calm and fugue state glazes over. His shoulders slightly shrugged betray a certain level of uncomfortableness or maybe just genuine irritation. |
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Observing from the back of the group, arms crossed carefully watching Kál signs quietly to the lady
"Do you have some Ginseng Tea by chance?" Watching the Bard leave and hearing musical tones from outside the door, Kál scratches his head in bewilderment and says to himself "Time and a place I suppose?" He then watches on at the conversation Murdok is having with the other two party members. Instinctively paying close attention to the finer details of the conversation. "Master Murdik, You said that more uniformed groups started to show up.. Do you know who these groups are? And what did these uniforms look like exactly?" He says questioningly, while smiling trying not to insult the man of power. |
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Edwin looks at you intently for a moment. At some of your small pauses it looks like he is about to speak, but he brings his hands to his mouth and cups his chin.
"Yes, the head of my security detail would certainly want to speak with you all. Anything we can do to shift our opponents expectations is welcome. Thank you sir Vitor." Edwin gives you an understanding nod. He senses the slight tension and attempts to sit up straight, but less dreary. While his eyes still shine a small light of a tried man, he sinks himself into his cup again. |
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The servant looks at you with a tiny sparkle of excitement. From one of the many pouches around her belt, she retrieves small jars with herbs and plants in them. With a formal stride, she excuses herself and says to you:
"Certainly! I will have it ready for you in a moment sir." As the servant leaves, Edwin turns to you and speaks: "At first, we would see some emblems with some of the more... scummy looking ones. I was told they were metal pins with an winged sword pointing upwards. This is imagery used by a local band that operate from the South slums. They have used the name "Liberty's Edge" in the past. The Liberty's Edge is an old remains from Absalom's People's Revolt. The original organization was dedicated to expunge corruptions in political systems. Now, my first thought is that we merely saw pretenders or they came by to determine if I was a problem. |
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These sightings were few and in the last month I have not seen or heard of any one with that type of emblem walking around. Now, for the groups we sometimes see; They are most commonly seen in dark cloaks. High, leather boots and a large, black scarf. We sometimes see small glints of metal reflecting, but cannot properly tell you if they have a tell-tale weapon.
While I do not know if these groups are connected, I hope this information helps in any way." |
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Vaelron plays through the piece, looks over to the door and interrupts his own song. He then walks to the security standing in the hall.
"It seems a bit stuffy in there and I just like to get straight to the case, my fine lads. For some reason these big building also cause me to be less at ease. To much room to wander in the dark unnoticed. I was wondering, not in any means to harm your watertight security detail, yet have you seen anything unusual around or in the building itself? I've seen lords and lady struck down in their very own, cozy beds no matter how safe they felt." |
The human, rough looking man with short, black hair looks at you with a puzzeling look. Another joins him by his side and crosses his arms with a snide smile on his face. He takes a moment to move some of his blonde locks from his face as his holds back a slight laugh. The black-haired man addresses you.
"Well, we did see a confused dandelion eater prowl around, but we've kept watch quite well. Ha!" |
The dark haired man bumps his elbow into the blonde mans side and follows it with a laugh to him. The blonde man squints his eyes as he bares his teeth in a chuckle. The blonde man takes a breath and continues.
"Interesting. What makes the hired music so curious to these things?" By the end of his sentence, the blonde man's laughter is replaced by a suspicious look at you. The dark-haired man has stepped a few feet away from you and also eyes you up and down. He turns for a moment to a 3rd guard, one by the door where Edwin Murdik and the rest of your team is. As he makes eye contact with the guard he points to you, sticks 1 finger out vertically and then makes a fist before lowering his hand and looking at you again. The 3rd guard starts to walk to a neighboring door and opens it. He's speaking to some one. |
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"The "hired" music is part of the outfit that is now accompanying lord Murdik and I'm not blending well in let's say the group dynamics. I'd rather just follow and be useful when the time needs me to at this point."
He then turns his head for a moment to the room where they're all in. "Yet I have a feeling me being in that room and say anything will just raise tensions.. Which naught to be useful in dire times like these." The bard shows the contract from the Rusted Rat Tavern. "So please be at ease, gentlemen." |
The blonde haired man keeps a slight curious look to his face as he listens. He raises an eyebrow for a moment and inspects your Contract from the Contractor's Guild. The dark haired man signs a horizontal handwave to the 3rd security guard. The dark haired man speaks to you.
"If yer here for the job to be lord Murdik bodyguard, ya might want to listen to him at least. Go on dandelion, walking away from the boss on the first day is a bit of poor form, even for a freelancer." The dark haired man points to the door you exited from. The blonde haired man returns to his post in the lobby while stifling a laugh and the 3rd guard approaches the door leading to Murdik's large room. He hold his hand on the handle as he watches you. |