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Vylreene's expression goes from disappointment caused by her half-elf kin, to approval towards Vitor and Kál. She takes a sip from her tea before speaking again. "We greatly appreciate the effort of getting us accommodations, Mr. Murdik. Tomorrow we'll head out to the South District to gather intel, from there we'll plan our subsequent moves. We'll try to keep you updated as much as we can without exposing our professional relation." Vylreene downs the rest of the tea with a slight haste. "I'm sure you'd like to enjoy the rest of your day, if my colleagues have no further questions or remarks, would you mind pointing us towards the accommodations so we'll be a bother to you no longer? For today at least." She says politely as she puts the cup back where the servant placed it for her. |
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With an almost instinctual half-bow Kál thanks the servant and waits with anticipation for his tea.
"Thank you, it's been a long time since I've had the chance to drink some good Ginseng." Paying attention to Edwin as he speaks to him, Kál nods with understanding at sporadic intervals. Once finished Kál speaks up and says: "Thank you so sharing this information, Master Murdik. Would you be able by chance to draw an interpretation of the symbol you speak of? Even a rough one will keep it clear in our minds and may even help us in finding this group among the city folk as we're... at least ~I'm~ not from around these parts and there seems to be so much going on around here.. It may just help us solve this issue for you, Sir." Kál neatly but quickly tears out a piece of paper from his journal that he keeps in a pouch on his hip and offers it along with a piece of rough drawing charcoal to Edwin. He also quickly scribbles down the information Edwin had just told him in a back page of his book, so not to forget any small detail going forward. |
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Murdik finishes off his drink and places it on the small table. From his chair he makes a a humble bow. His servant begins to clean empty cups from the table.
Thank you Vylreene, Kál. My servant here will show you your quarters. Edwin leans over and starts to draw on the small piece of paper. While not an amazing feat of penmanship, he is able to make a comprehensible drawing of the Liberty's Edge symbol. |
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Edwin's servant returns to the room after moving items and cups from the grand room. She stands by the large entry door into the room and politely beckons you all. She gently pushes the door open and the security detail outside moves aside. With your back to Edwins grand chamber and the entrance to the small mansion in front of you, down the large staircase. She point to your left, she singles out a door with a small brass trim. "Thank you. I understand that maybe... maybe sir Murdik can be hard to talk to. He is an idealist who tries to keep grounded. A strange position as you might imagine. Just... Thank you." She watches the 3 of you for a moment with a brief hint of a smile. Before she catches herself doing so. With a slight stuttered 'Sorry' she opens the brass trimmed door. |
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In decent candle light you see the room before you. It is reminiscent of barracks, but with a bit more care put into it. Medium sized beds stand apart from each other with large curtain between them. A furnished nightstand with candles, a chest at the foot end of the bed and large furs on the floor do give it a homely feel. By the back of the room there are medium sized windows looking up to the side of the manor. You have eyes on a small sliver of road and the walls of the adjacent, larger mansion. Close by these windows there is a large counter with several cooking implements. Upon closer inspection there is a small kitchen build in, stocked and ready to use. The servant stands outside the door. She makes eye contact with you all with a slight hint of a smile. She looks over to Vaelron who is in the middle of the ground floor. She turns her eyes to the security detail and loses her smile. She lets out an attentive cough. |
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Vaelron walks back to the group.
His face carries something painful |
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Kál thanks Edwin with a slight bow and takes the emblem inscribed paper and stores it in a pouch. He then quickly follows along after the servant, again thanking her for the tea with an almost instinctual quarter bow. He says to her:
"Thank you again, this tea is amazing, the best I've had since leaving the temple actually. Do you get it ordered in, or is there somewhere nearby that I could perhaps purchase some of the same quality?" Upon his return to the group, with a cheeky grin Kál notions to Vaelron and says: "Did they like your song? " |
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Vylreene nods to the servant as she walks into the accommodations prepared for them.
"Thank you, we won't take up any more of your time." She sits down on the edge of the nearest bed, takes off her coat and backpack and puts them next to the bed. She unpacks a couple of pieces of clothing and a book. The rest is put away in the nightstand and chest. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'll be taking my rest now. Have a pleasant remainder of the evening." Vylreene shuts the large curtain, lays down on the bed and reads a book until she goes to sleep. |
Eyeing the quarters Vitor drops his small bag of essentials on the bed opposing Vylreene's. Out of the bag he grabs a small sack of trail mix and his waterskin. After readying it on his person he turns to meet up with the security detail.
Passing by his comrades Vitor gives a small nod and wave of the hand |
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Before Kal turns away, the maid answers him with a slight hint of glee. Oh! We have much in the store rooms. I'd be happy to give you some complementary pouches after I get it ready! The maid takes her leave as she nods to the door guard. She finishes a small round through the small mansion and checks in with all the guards. |
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Around the same time, Vitor emerges from the guest rooms and is greeted by her.
"Mr. Vitor, I understand you wish to take a nightshift? Perfect if I may say myself. Ground covered is ground secured!" The maid squeaks a small smile as she proudly states her saying. She holds for a moment before continuing in her normal tone. "We have the front gate which is watched from the front door itself. The gardens do go around and 'encase' the mansion, but the only exits are front and back. The exit in the back is mainly used for bringing in deliveries, supplies or localy created art that Sir Murdik wishes to display. The door is about the same width as the large front one, but not as high. A small path leads to the 'back street'. I hope this helps you. Anything else?" |
Perhaps made uncomfortable by the Maid's friendly smile Vitor looks down directly at the floor cupping his chin with his right hand whilst keeping his eyes closed. Standing still he listens intently, trying his hardest at absorbing the maid's words. "My thanks. This is most helpful. I wish to follow a guard route through the Gardens, t'would seem that would give me the most ground to cover with mine arms and eyes." Dropping his hands low and meeting the gaze of the maid, Vitor carries on. "I take it the former Exit on the East side routinely gets checked still for oddities on the off chance of intrusion? Mayhap some over caution in the vein of safety?" Waiting till the end of his say Vitor relaxes his posture slightly and tries his best at a friendly smile. The results of which are mixed and sadly accentuate the accumulated scar tissue on the left side of his face. |
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The housemaid adjusts her facial expression to match the serious tone for a moment.
Of course. By the main door you will find 2 men posted. Emil and Ras. Simply state that you are here to assist, you would find them quite welcoming I hope. They follow a schedule on which they patrol around the building. The basement gets checked as part of the regular patrols. We have no reports of anything being changed or the closed doorway being openend. But I will agree, if you to deem it neccesary I will find a guard to position down there. The maid sees your friendly attempted facial expression and greets it back with a closed mouthed smile of her own and a short curtsey. |
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You all find your beds and store your personal effects in the nightstands or keep them in your belonging close to you. The light sleepers among you hear the slightly weighted footsteps in the hall periodically. Soft murmurs of the guards and staff exchanging pleasantries or complaints pop up here and there, but it all stays on the quiet side.
One of the guards at the main door approaches Vitor and gives him a firm salute. He introduces himself as Ras and between his greeting and explaining some of the same things the maid did, Vitor can notice a bit of admiration for him in Ras' words. He hands Vitor a small collection of keys on a ring. He states these will open most doors in the house, save for Sir Murdik's private chambers. Ras ends his small chat with another salute and returns to his post. The night passes and delivers to you a new day. The hustle and bustle of the city slowly wakes up as footsteps increase, voices multiply and birds chirp in the gardens of the mansions in this city block. Rays of light gently pierce the curtains in your guest room as the smells and scents of nearby marketstalls open and prepare for the day. |
As the first signs of morning take shape into the sounds of birds chirping and stalls constructing. Vitor takes a deep ragged breath before getting out of bed. His breathing slightly laboured, eyes bloodshot and baggy his cowl of fatigue seems mostly cosmetic as he grabs his gear with Vigour and renewed Energy.
"We should have woken already, burning daylight was not included in our Writ." Breaking the silence of dawn with his croaky voice, he does so with no hint of irritation but rather; matter-of-factly Vitor heaves his half-emptied waterskin onto the Bard's pillow and continues with a mild chortle. |
Wasting no time listening to a possible retort nor having the interest to Vitor makes for the door and leaves the room.
Seeing he awoke before the others he uses the opportunity to approach the security personnel from last night's patrol with a question. "Good Morrow Sers'. Ser Murdik said ye knew of a more subtle way out the mansion? Tell us." |
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Kál turns back and nods enthusiastically at the maid, and says;
"Complementary pouches? Are you sure I cannot trade for them at least?" Upon waking in the morning, Kál does his daily routine quietly beside his bed. He notices Vitor when he speaks and agrees with a nod. "Agreed, we should get to it and figure out the best way to proceed with this task." He then joins him at the door quietly and listens. |
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Vylreene appears from behind the curtains, slowly nibbling on some bread. She notices the wet Vaelron and hands him a rag from her backpack.
"I don't support his actions, but at least you're awake now. Dry yourself off and we'll see you shortly, little songbird." She follows Kál out the door. |
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Ras the guard looks at Vitor with tired eyes and holding back a yawn.
Good morning ser. Apologies for my visage, long nights. Ah, yes, the tunnel. I do however ask that you use this as a last resort. We can only have a band of mercenaries pop out of the ground once. We aim to use it if we need to get Ser Murdik out of here as fast as possible. |
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In the main hallway of the mansion, you see the Maid carrying several plates and such on a small serving cart. She beckons you and leads you to the dining hall behind the grand stair case on the ground floor.
It's roughly the size of Murdiks room above it. A large, long table stands in it's center and is set and decorated. Murdik finds himself at the head of the table already enjoying a hearty breakfast. Slices of grilled meat, bowls of fruit and plates of warm breads are spread across the table and enough seats for you and your group have been set. Murdik raises a cup and welcomes you. He begs you to sit down and feast. |
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Kál follows the maid along into the the large dining room and his eyes widen at the mountain of food on the table front of him. He bows with his hands clasped together in front of him, then quickly takes a seat at the table a few chairs away from Murdik.
"This is very kind of you, Ser Murdik. Thank you. Did you have a peaceful sleep? Have any notable morning whispers from the streets funnelled there way in to you as of yet?" He says to the master of the dwelling as he grabs a cup and fills it with some milk and then raises it to mimic Murdik's motion with an added half bow. Kál then starts loading his plate like an orphan who has never seen such amount of food before. He grabs many slices of meat, a few chicken legs, two slices of bread and several pieces of fruit. Before he starts to eat he pulls out a fortune cookie, and breaks it in two.. It reads: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." Kál smiles, tucks away his cookie slip and then quickly but politely starts to dig into his feast. |
Eyeing the entirety of the table Vitor wastes no time with pleasantries. Quickly tearing off a large chunk of bread with a satisfying crunch he sinks his teeth into the warm soft center, munching it down. Swiftly acknowledging Murdik's presence with a nod before continuing his assault on the feast he drops himself onto the nearest chair. With a grunt he greedily reaches for the thick slices of horse meat in an almost predatorial fashion and starts stuffing it in the bread while he stuffs an equal amount down his throat. Feasting a short while before long his expression turns into one of physical discomfort and Glutton manifest. Vitor balls a fist and thumps it on his chest to help him with his struggle of consumption. After a few quick gasps for air he manages to stuff in a handful of grapes, following this is a grand finale of an entire tankard with it's contents unknown and forever unidentified by Vitor and his taste buds. |
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Vaelron walks in with his head completely drenched and clothes put on in a manner of haste. He nods to Ser Murdik followed with a somewhat stiff bow leaving drops of water on the floor that have come from the little streams on his forehead and hair. He ignores the rest and takes a seat, grabs an apple .
Oi, Maid! You have a name, love? I'd like some mead if you have any? He then continues to grabs some bread, smears butter on it and sprinkles it with rough sea salt, herbs and pepper. Vaelron sees the cooked eggs, he grabs one and hits it on his plate to be able to peel it. |
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Murdik smiles at Kál's raising of the glass and covers his mouth for a moment, letting a mere 'heh' escape as he sees Vitor indulge.
"My rest was well, for a busteling city, we do enjoy our quiet times now and then. Thank you. Although, to admit, having you here does wonders for my state of mind." As Vaelron enters, the maid is surprised by his wet appearance. As you take a seat, she brings you a piece of cloth to dry yourself with. As you ask your question, she greets you with a smile and presents a small bottle of Mead that was stacked and hidden among other containers and sets a mug for you. "Nashu Kiln, Ser Vaelron. But Nashu will do just fine!" She gives you a small formal bow as she returns to the door and starts cleaning up the errant spots of water. |
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"Thank you kindly, Nashu. It wil dry by it self."
Vaelron says with a stoic face as he continues to slice his apple. He then grabs the mug. "Oh, lovely pottery." He then opens the bottle and pour the mug more than half full. Takes quite a sip and then starts to eat his bread quietly. |
Wiping the remnants of indulgence of his face Vitor whips his draped mohawk to the side and addresses Murdik with another one of his signature forced smirks.
"Finest Nosh I ever did taste. Mayhap your chefs could make this a habit..." Noticing the convergence of his fellowship at the table Vitor gets up from his chair and carries on. "Well if it's all the same with ye, I intend to waste no more time prattling on. I'll be going to the South District as planned... I'll either see you there or be free to join me in 10 minutes at the front ~o' the manor." Getting up from his chair he puts in an effort to make eye contact with each of his compatriots. He, however interrupts his decisive strut after some unintended eye contact with Nashu. Visibly surprised Vitor freezes for a split second unnecessarily answering her gaze with an uncomfortable half-curtsy/bow before finally shuffling towards the door. |
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Vylreene tucked away her own chunk of bread and has been quietly enjoying the breakfast that was provided to her. She's listening to the others talk while making a plate of mixed meats disappear bite by bite. Vitor's eye contact after mentioning the South District wakes up her sense of responsibility, and she hastily gets up.
"Good call, right behind you, Vitor!" She gives a swift bow to the rest of the room as she puts on her coat. "Anyone else joining? Or you can finish your plates and meet us a tad later." She says with a faint smile before she follows Vitor out the door. |
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Vaelron stops chewing and looks at Vylreene, moves his chair back and stands up and gives a quick bow.
"S-Ser Murdik." He then glances at Kál, puts the apples in a pouch and and walks away with a slice of bread in his hand, passing Nashu. He then halts for a moment waiting till Vitor and Vylreene are out of earshot and beckons her to come closer. He briefly waits. He then holds out his hand next to his mouth and whispers softly. "The tall, gloomy lad seemed fairly uneasy. I think he might fancy you. He's quite a bit shy." He then give her a charming smile. "Thank you for the trouble, Miss Nashu!" Vaelron walks through the door. |
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After two plates of meat, and several slices of bread and multiple pieces of different fruits Kál wipes his mouth of any surrounding food. Looking to Murdik, he acknowledges him and says;
"Well hopefully nights such as these will be a normality for you once we deal with the situation at hand, Ser. I'll take my leave." Kál bows to Murdik, then proceeds to stack his used plates, and the plates of his party into a neat pile for ease of clearing up. He picks up an extra apple and looks at it and then to the master of the house.. "May I take one more with me for the day ahead, Ser?" Kál finishes by pushing each chair that has been used back into its place and heads for the door. While passing Nashu he smiles and heads out after his party. |
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Edwin Murdik politely finishes his more humble breakfast and gets up from his seat. He smiles and adreses you in a warm manner.
I hope this meal finds you well. Today I have appointments over at the city hall. My normal retinue will accompany me for the day. While you are welcome to enter, leave or rest as you desire here, try not to do it too much. It would raise all sorts of hell if people overly noticed you in my employment. Edwin points to Nashu as she retrieves some featureless cloaks from the back of the room. She rests them on your chairs. Nashu lets out a small laugh at Vaelron's message. She turns to Kál and nods at his request. She starts cleaning some of the plates and mugs while humming a tune. |
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Vaelron walks back for a cloak and gestures at Kál to do the same.
"We indeed shouldn't raise too much speculation." He then looks at the other chairs with cloaks on them. "Let's bring the rest of these plain cloaks to Vitor and Vylreen." He puts one on over his flamboyant and colorful clothing and makes his way to the door again. He waits for Kál at the door. |
Waiting for the others at the front of the Manor, Vitor takes in the scenery of Galt for the first time. Counting the many stalls, watching people make conversation and the kids playing loudly as it inevitably ends in a crying fit or jealous tantrum. As he sees Vylreene come into view by his side the strangest thing occurs, for a moment it's as if death itself raked it's fingers across his back. Holding back a shudder Vitor adresses his companion
"Did ye feel that? My father always told me~ between beatings, eerie feelings like them means only one thing; Death. Some place, somewhere. Ill omens aside, 'say we give it another moment before we head out." |
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"My mentor told me that realms can often form short bonds, granting glimpses from one into the other. The edges of these realms sort of rub together, becoming one for a fraction of time. Perhaps we caught a glimpse just then."
Vylreene leans against the gate and nods to Vitor. "I'm sure they'll be coming out shortly." |
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As Vaelron steps into the light of the day he feels a light and cold, icy gust hit him for just a moment. As fleeting as it came, it passed again."
"hmmm. Must be a lost ocean's breeze! What a fine day!" He then spots the two outside. Oh there you are! Don't forget these cloaks. We might blend in better this way.... I mean ....I certainly blend in better now! That sweet Nashu did implore us to take them. He then smiles to Vylreen and Vitor with his eyes closed holding out the cloaks |