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As Vaelron makes his way past disgruntled faces, annoyed hollering and waiters who barely budge an inch for him, he is halted at the door by a large, burly man in similair clothes as the bar crew. In a dull, but resonating tone he says:
"Sir, I am to ask you to stay clear here for some time. The patrons don't seem to be taken by you and the staff feels you've been nothing but disruptive. I hope I am able to recieve your cooperation here." The man lets out a small grin as he cracks his knuckles. An almost deafening sound that makes the heckling by the other bar goers on your exit seem pale and muddled. He places a hand on your shoulder and guides you the last few steps to the door. |
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Vitor, Vylreene and Kál find themselves outside of the Rusted Rat Tavern. A slight drizzle of rain, the sounds of the nightlive and vague yelling surrounds them. | |
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Kál puts the hood of his cloak over his head; He turns to the group:
"Now that we know why we are here, we should probably make our way to the north district quickly to get settled into the way things work around there." Looking towards the Bard with a slight smile Kál adjusts himself to his surroundings and heads off for the city map he found once before to locate a path to the North District. |
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Vaelron looks the big man in the eyes. The semi-elf has a serious look about his face. He tries to see what the man's intent is and if he means harm. |
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You can't seem to really get an idea wether this man is merely asking you to leave or wether he will cause trouble. You can't seem to pierce his stoic appearance The man meets your serious gaze. His hand clenches a bit harder as he brings you to at the doorstep but releases you as you reach that point. He gives a single "Sir." and continues to watch you in silence. |
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Still waiting on Vaelron, Vitor turns to the tavern entrance to see what's keeping him.
"Vaelron... Are you done flirting with the man?" Vitor slowly struts over to Vaelron and stands behind him, crossing his arms out of impatience. |
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Vaelron nods at the bruiser. He still keeps his head high to maintain his pride. Before he walks through the door he scratches at the candle that sits in it's wall mount and proceeds to walk out of the premises. " Sir." While walking out of the door he seems to be mumbling to himself in an old elven dialect while playing and fidgeting with a little lump of candle wax. |
In one swift motion Vitor Unsheathes his Bastard Sword and swings it in a wide arc behind him. But as soon as he is turned around stops his motion and looks around confused.
"W-what in the blazes..." |
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Vaelron bursts out laughing and walks up slowly to Vitor. "Are you done fighting those ghosts, my lad" "I guess you worked me up a bit earlier. Guess we're even now?" | |
As Vitor comes closer he tries to catch Vaelron mid step with a firm straight aimed towards his face intentionally using his Buckler. | ||
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Vaelron sees the mans intend to bash him with foul intent and act swiftly. The bard his mouth opens widely and a deafening scream comes out of his throat. | |
As the magic flushes through Vitor's system he seems to take it as a declaration of war, now clutching both hands on his sword he belts out;
"You attempt to ravage me with your Magic again and it'll be your head." |
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"And I will show you a bard's wrath if you dare to belittle me like that again in public. Going through life deaf is going to be more of a ruckus than you might think. I am perfectly fine if we cannot get a long, Vitor. At least have the bloody courtesy to respect one another and leave each other be. We have a mission to attend. Let's get it done and then I shall assure you that you will never see me again."
The charming bard, now with a dead serious expression, glares right into Vitor's eyes. |
A silence ensues only to be interrupted by the booming laughter of Vitor.
"I don't dislike you little man, but try your magics with me and I'll show you a permanent courtesy. Mayhap you could strain that brain of yours and push aside your whimsy to remember I was asking you to hurry along as I have been telling you since we arrived." Vitor relaxes his stance and sheathes his sword. "But know this... the way I see it you've had your two tricks against me and there had better not be a third one. I think you'll find a deaf man can be very adept at matters of dismemberment, disembowelment and mutilation." Letting his words sink into the bards skull he stands still with a smirk before turning around and joining the others. "I've dealt with bigger fish than you little man... now lets go make some money..." |
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Staring in shear bafflement, Kál knows his words fell on deaf ears and he face palms as he says *”And this... this is what I was talking about.” Kál quickly hurries to find the city map. |
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"Same here. you brute of a man."
He picks up his pace to walk to the others next to Vitor. "Besides I'd rather like to see what we can achieve in battle next to one another." "aaaaand also. I don't mind honesty, though let us not lose respect shall we?" |
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From the posted map nearby, you are able to make a route to the North District. While reaching the district itself will be easy, you are yet to discover the exact location of Edwin Murdik's Manor. |
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Standing next to Kál, without averting her gaze from the city map, Vylreene says to Vaelron and Vitor: "That was over sooner than I thought. Good." Vylreene looks at Kál and nods her head towards the two men behind them, rolling her eyes slightly, trying to share some quick mockery with Kál. She continues: |
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Together you head your way to the gates out of the South District. With the dusk growing into night softly as your company you easily find your way out of the slums and away from the seedy and rowdy folk.
By the slight decrepit exit of the South Disctrict, you clearly see a street lantern-lit path to the North District. Along perfectly fitted cobblestone and warm lights by the roads and houses, you feast your eyes on just how different the Districts look, even from a distance. The North District boasts tall, stone buildings, bathed by the shine of many lights and warm fires. While the guards seem to look more diciplined in their marching, they also sport a smile and higher grade equipment than you have seen those in the South District carry. |
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Quaint shops with beautiful engraved stone and wooden signs litter your sight up to the larger towers in the back. While some houses seem to be stacked, it is a wild change from the shambles of the South District. No wooden beams patheticly holding up a 1-room home or mismatched planks to function as walls.
You stand by the gate to the North District. Soft lights dance from the lanterns, the gentle noises of taverns slightly hum past you and the content faces of well dressed people surround you. Before you leads a path further into this almost dreamy hamlet of stone, by your side there is a familair map posted, but less torn and scribbled like those in the West or South. While the guards do watch you as you enter, they don't seem to be bothered by your presence and you can seemingly wander unharrased past them. |
From across the gate you stand by, a small being emerges from the alley. With a low, but hissing voice he greets you and raises his claw in a waving motion. The being approaches calmly and it’s identified as a Ratfolk. Small, green glasses sit high ontop a pointed nose and a dark blue garb adorns it. A small pack with papers, flasks and various knick-knacks weight on his back as he holds a small lantern to illuminate his dark brown fur.
“Well then!” He begins. “You’re certainly running your schedule quite loose. While I would hate to rob you of your sightseeing, it would be wise to expedite our motions!” |
While addressing you all, he flashes his Contractors Guild Insignia before burying it between his jacket again. A slight grin grows across his sharp face and is accentuated by his yellowish, pointy teeth.
“I’ll keep it brief for the sake of our favored benefactor, yes? I’m certain Lord M would hate for us to be tardy. Unwise to leave wanting coins and contacts unobtained, ha!” From his backpack he pulls a rolled up piece of beige paper and approaches closer to hand it to Kál. |
“Now, I would not dare to be invasive, so here. I’ve done some work in the ways of scouting, prepping and gathering. A small map of this well coined district would serve you well I would think, yes?”
“Feel free to follow that to our associates residence, or, if you’re feeling lost and overwhelmed, I can guide you near. I should be weary of my time however, many things are left undone and awaiting my tender claws to push it all correctly.” “So, what do you say?” |
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Kál smiles and approaches the small rat man, he naïvely hunkers down to meet eye level with the smaller creature, and accepts the papers being given to him
"Yes, thank you for this helpful gift my friend. We apologies for our loose timing, we had a bit of an ... issue outside of the rustled rat." "We'll get on our way now, thank you again. Is there anyway to find you if we need assistance again?" Kál smiles once more and looks at the map to figure out the direction and location the group need to go. |
The Ratfolk wipes a slight bit of condensation from his tin rimmed glasses and smiles with gnarly teeth. "Ah, yes, the spectacle at our beloved low-income Tavern, yes. Quite a thing to be remembered for on your first day back. I would not bear it much thought unless you were planning to become a regular there, ha, yes!" He takes a moment to adjust his glasses and waves a polite wave. |
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The map you have recieved from your Contractor Guild Associate details the location of several manors and mansions, together with a few errant ' hideouts' or deaddrop locations. Around the bottom theres some scribbelings in a vague language and tiny Contractor Guild Isignias are scrawled around the page.
Using this, you are able to discern the location of Edwin Murdik's manor. |
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Kál nods once he finds the way and starts to walk in that direction “I guess we’ll be off then! I’ll lead the way, follow me!” | |
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You follow the marked map to the the Murdik manor, passing cobble houses, friendly food stalls and pleasent bars on the way. As you close up on your intended destination, you find a large amount of citizens by the gates of Murdik's mansion.
Cheering fills the air, hands are waved and praises are being shouted amidst it all. Residents of many creeds find themselves banded together in this large group. At the head, by the gates, you see what must be unmistakenly Edwin Murdik, the up-and-comer that has the current council anxious. With broad gestures and bolsterous voice he delivers his messages to the people. He preaches of his demand for proper protection from hazards, a clean-up of the South District, proper schooling and more. Before you stands a mass of about 70 people, headed by Murdik who is close to his security personel of 3. Some stray people watch from a distance and a few groups of guards are keeping an eye out, surrounding the mass of people. |
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Vylreene points towards the mass of people with a nod.
"That must be the man himself, and his adoring fans." She takes a spot within the crowd to observe the scene, listen to whatever Edwin has to say, and intends to approach him when things have settled down. |
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Kál nods in agreement, and tries to blend in among the crowd also a slight distance away from Vylreene after saying.
"Seems likely, yes. I'll look for any ~peering~ eyes" |
"Yeah... I think you might be right."
With no hint of subtly Vitor makes his way through the front of the crowd and tries to plant himself to the very front of it. "What'd he say? I can't hear him at all..." Vitor says while prodding a random bystander to his right. Standing behind the last few rows of people he attempts to eye the security personel up and down after which focusing his gaze on Edwin Murdik. |
You find Edwin Murdik still in his speech. "And what does that serve the people behind them? While I will never deny their work; it is obvious our Council requires people of the current times! We hold on to an army of an age gone. I commend the care taken to our veterans, but we must allow all of our people to flourish and find their comfort. While Galt was funded on fair beliefs long ago; we as a people have changed, the world, has changed. Many of the programs and institutions instated by the council do their work well and I see no reason to remove these. However... There is much that must be corrected to reflect our current situation, to combat our current problems, not those of the past." |
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A large amount of the crowd certainly seems glued to Edwin's every word. His Security staff, recognizable by dark blue lamellar armor with small, white stripes on the shoulders, scan the crowd back and forth. At a glance, the majority of the attention does seem to be toward Edwin Murdik. | ![]() |
People let you pass without much complaints or long looks. You find yourself between some young men who eagerly stare at Edwin. One of them looks at you as you exclaim your curiosity and gently greets you with a wave. The young man; slight tan, brown wavy hair connecting to a meager beard and drabbed in a slightly stained, blue tunic begins to talk to you. |
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"Late to the meeting but not the cause! That's alright. Edwin started with his address to the people about his election. The people have really come around and woke up, ya' know? Few more of the big wigs that throw their lot in and he'll be able to present himself to the Council." The man returns his eyes to Edwin on the stage for a moment, mouth slightly agape with a smile. "Now he's breaking down why he needs to in there, ya' know? Sure, the Council has made the right decisions, yes. But times are changing! The poor don't need to stay poor for the benefit of Lady Idesu's dream of making all of us nobles in the long run! I respect our fighting forces, right? But the war has been over for so long now, we don't need a giant standing army! That just incites more violence! Of course we need troops if the need arrives, but did you know-" At this point, the man has caught up to Edwin Murdik's speech but trails off into telling you statistics regarding the current army, veterans and costs of weaponry. While he continues, you get the notion that it no longer matters whether you are here or not, talking or listening to him. |