Travel journal of Nayu Kiln.
A warm morning welcomes us and brings us to Sandpoint. Each for their own reasons has carved their path towards this City and arrives on the day of the Swallowtail festival. By the path to the North Gate we find a disheveled looking man. With a poor sign and a small beast by his side he offers his services, “Will work for food”. The man, in his ragged cloths and his small possessions in a bundle stares at the ground as respect for those who would offer him alms. Through his wild, unkempt hair he sees an Elf woman wander by. As they lock eyes for a split second, he buries his gaze to the ground again and brings his sign to attention.
She looks for a brief moment and he humbly asks for any donation or work he could do. She sadly tells him she doesn’t need any jobs done and is empty of coin herself. As she lowers her head in a humble notion a few errant leaves fall from her hair. “But” she begins, “I can give you this.” She grabs the man’s shoulder and begins an incantation. With a bit of a shock, the man wonders what she just did. “A small blessing, to hopefully aid you” she says, feeling a slight bit embarrassed by just casting without consent.
The man’s companion animal finds itself in the moment and is a slight victim to the Elf woman curiosity. The man has with him a small Dinosaur of sorts, making small squawking noises and contently being the center of attention. The 2 opinion differ between the man states his companion to be a trustworthy traveling comrade, while the Elf is simply infatuated with its “cuteness”.
After exchanging small goodbyes, the man turns back to the ground while the Elf woman finds her way to the North Gate.
Enter a man who is easily discerned as a rough, tribal warrior. His torso decorated with many tattoo’s and long black hair. He passes the humble beggar and greets him. The poor man humbly asks for work and is met with a rather gruff “Do you live here?” and a “Where can I find the Hagfish, I wish to challenge them!”
The humble man is confused for a moment, confessing that he himself doesn’t know much about Sandpoint and has not even tried to enter the city. The poor man’s tone changes in the face of such a grisly, large warrior, he addresses him by Lord and Sir/Ser. While the burly, tattooed person responds a bit confused about these titles, a duo appears by the horizon.
A slender, finely dressed Elven man wanders by accompanied by a Halfling servant dressed almost as brilliantly. “Sir Ashgrove.” The short statured Halfling begins; “we have arrived, sir.” With a bit of an arrogant huff, the Elven man takes in his surroundings and states “I do believe… we have.”
The Halfling servant’s eye is caught by the humble man and his sign. He suggests to ask the poor man for a tour or general directions. Unamused by his first sight being a beggar by the road, the Elven man reluctantly agrees and approaches the humble alm seeker.
A small conversation sparks between everyone. Many wonderings about the city of Sandpoint are made, names are exchanged and a small pip of comradery is shared as the now formed group wanders their way into the Swallowtail Festival.
They pass the small markets set up by residents, light performances and the main square. They find their way to a dock side bar, half on the water and busy with marine types. The large, tattooed man is struck by delight! He enters the bar, swinging the doors and with a large grin on his face. The bar is marine-life inspired and boasts a large water tank by the counter. In the murky, green water swims a large Hagfish. The challenge the man was talking about turns out to be the following; one must drink a pint of water from the horrendous water tank and keep it down.
The challenger, Brutus, readies himself and sits down after proclaiming his soon-to-be success. The rest of the group watches with glee as the burly bartender serves up this swill and everyone in the locale grows silent with anticipation.
Vomiting, Brutus pushes his way out of the bar and the group follows. They find their way back to the main city square just in time for a speech from the mayor himself! Amidst his proclaiming celebration, screams fill the once attentive silence. “Goblins!” a man screams as suddenly the square finds itself filled with green menaces. Through quick wit, decisive actions and precise strikes the main square finds itself safe for the moment.
Among the attacked, but saved townsfolks, the group finds Aldern Foxglove. A noble who recently returned to Sandpoint. He expresses his gratitude to the group and extends an invitation to come hunt along side him in the future. He also leads them to the Rusty Dragon Inn. There they meet and are warmly greeted by Ameiko Kaijitsu, the innkeeper with cold beer and warm rooms.
The following day the group is contacted by the Sherrif of Sandpoint, Hemlock, at the Rusty Dragon Inn. In private, he tells that the tomb of one of the old Fathers of Sandpoint has been broken into. He required a strong team to investigate and clear the tomb of the undead that have been left there. The group accepts and moves towards the Graveyard.
Upon finding the tomb of Father Tobyn, Skeletons greet the party with aggression but find themselves quickly decimated. The remains of a necromantic item are found, but many questions arise. It is thought that the goblin attack was merely used as a distraction for this plan, but why the skeleton of a holy man is needed is still a pondering point.
They return to the Rusty Dragon Inn, and find themselves between Ameiko and her father, Lonjiku. The father pleads for his daughter to leave Sandpoint, but is rejected and leaves with a hurtful phrase to his daughter.