The party arrives at a camp infront of an opening to the Dawlan Mountains. Many adventurers and would-be treasure hunters gather here. The air is chilly but snowfall is minor. | |
The opening to the Dawnlan Mountains here was an opening to the mine. Past the gate you are greeted by large wooden doors leading into what was a servants quarter. By the walls itself, 2 statues look out over the camp. | |
The entry way quickly splits into small hallways. Some small rooms to dine or drink, seperate rooms and a staircase downward. Some people have chosen to stay inside, away from the weather. Small groups huddle around makeshift campfires and they ponder about going deeper. |
The stairs down lead to a hallway of personal rooms. Rumble lines the floor as you hallway turns to an in-house smithery. Every piece of coal has been picked clean and not a single weapon or even belt remains. A track leads into a rough, rocky cave. | |
A storage and some tables for sitting rest in this dimly lit level of the mine. | |
In the far back a large, jagged worm and it's young bar the way. The creature emerges from a pre-made hole in the mines floor. Faint light can be seen looking down. Dark tiled square platforms are vaguely visible from this high up. Something awaits down there. |