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Kál subtly points out the find to the group, and thinks to himself:
Time to be the clueless temple boy again.. Kál he fished around in his gold pouch, approaches the produce stand and greets the merchant with a smile, Good morning. Tell me, I'm not from these parts but I wanted to make a hearty meal tonight that reminds me or back home. Could you give me an assortment of your local ingredients? Kál hands the man 5 silver, and continues: *I've only been here for a short while but the people around here seem nice. I come from the Shintang Temple and its very different atmosphere you know? We just keep to ourselves and do what we're told most of the time, but folks around here seem, more energetic I would say. Getting slighty nervous at speaking so openly with the stranger, Kál takes a breath and points to the direction of where Murdiks manor is located. Just yesterday I was walking around that part of the city and saw this man making a speech infront of a big crowd, they seemed to really love him too. It was all a bit loud and confusing for me... Not something you would see that back home mind you, too much of a spectacle, we like to keep to ourselves... Sorry I said that already... Edwin I think was the name they shouted, what exactly was that about? |
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The man greets you with a smile and gladly accepts your coin. He starts packing up a few vegetables and a piece of fruit. His stock seems to consist of a lot of simple vegetables that can grow in poor conditions. A decent handful of roughed up potato's, few onions with sleek stems, a leek still a little on the pale side and some alright carrots. He stacks them in a small burlap sack and tops it off with a moderately well looking apple. "That should set you up for a good stew base for a little. Heh, I suppose your upfrontness is a little disarming. Most people don't tend to like tourists or the vagrant swordman types around here. A lot gets pinned and blamed on outsiders here. I don't mind the travelers too much, most don't actually stick around long enough anyway to cause trouble if you ask me. Shing-tan temple you say, huh? Can't say I know where to find that, but you certainly look the part. Ah, Edwin Murdik, yes yes. |
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"But, you'll find similiar tales all over Galt. Years and years ago, the land was governed by the Chelliax Empire before the first large revolution happened. From then on, councils were formed to govern the free nation of Galt. shaking off the violent occupation of the Chelliax Empire left Galt to grow extreme in its ways. The Council? It has happened before that they either assassinate eachother or all find themselves the target of all their subjects' ire. Radical freethinkers as I'll politely call them tend to grow wild here. While we tend to celebrate the home-grown poets and artists among us, I suppose the outside just sees the piles of heads under the guillotines."
The man notices that he went a bit of a ramble to try and tell you a bit about Galt and Woodsedge. He smiles and lets out a small chuckle as he looks to a group of customers piling up by his stall. He hands over the bag of produce, gives you a nod and smiles as he starts to turn to a young woman next to you. |
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Kál happily accepts the burlap sack and shifts his body language to appear heavily engaged in what the man is saying.
Thank you, Sir. That’s an interesting story. Oh it's just atop Fog Peaks on the southwestern side. I wasn't born into the Temple just taken in by them, but I’ll keep what you say in mind before I go and chat to other folks around so openly. I’m Kál by the way. Kál nods at him and goes to turn and make his way back to the main square. He takes two steps and hesitates, before turning back towards the merchant, catching his eye and discretely saying: And, do you... you know, believe that he is a “good, selfless man”? |
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"He seems alright. Articulate and local. I see his points repeated by many political friend and adversary, but he seems to be the complete package. What I mean with that, is that he does seem to favour the poor, the overworked and the importance to steer Galt in a more stable direction. Many of his likeminded fellow politician types don't do all 3." The man deals with the young woman next to you for a moment and after a polite goodday, he turns to you again. "I'd say... Yes, I do believe him to be one of the good ones, but we've had those before and assassinations don't get stopped by noble intentions. I do wish to see him make some postive changes, but in Galt, you have to be frugal with hope sometimes, you know?" The man turns to his stall for a moment and fetches another apple, he pantomimes throwing it to you once, before he does toss it to you in a gentle arch. He gives a nod and a smile before he turns back to the line of costumers. |
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Kál swipes the apple out of the air with one hand, nods to the man and walks back to the group. He relays all the information to the team. |
Vitor walks over to the stall and waits till the salesman is available after which he discreetly points to the exposed crest and does the gesture. Leaning in close he says:
"Lo, a fellow sympathizer. I've been looking to offer me services to... Vitor pauses and looks around before continuing. The ones who serve freedom. I know this ain't no knaves convention. But I ask of thee; A name, location. Hells I'll take a general direction." Giving his coin purse a slight jostle he awaits the Salesman's response. |
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Without losing a beat, the man looks at Vitor, then behind him to see Kál in the distance. He reaches for the covered chests and pulls out a smaller one with a similar logo. He bags it behind the counter and hands it to Vitor. He points South West for a brief moment.
"You'll find the best beds in the district over there. Quaint little place right up against a city wall. Gelman's Inn has a good selection of brews, too! You'll find it nestled between some small stores. Following the larger road that bends with the wall should deliver you to it easily." He gives you a quick version of the small salute and returns to his customers. He fully covers the marked chests as he serves an older woman her groceries. |
Joining up with the others Vitor carries a wide grin.
"Alright ye Vagrants and Minstrels, I says it's time for a Pint. Follow me ye who wants for merriment." With eyes glistening like his buckler Vitor seems ever delighted by the fast progress. |
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Whilst taking a chomp out of his newly gifted Apple, Kál notices Vitor approaching and says
"A pint at this time? A bit early for it in my experience but sure.. why not? Lead the way!" Kál places his burlap sack of vegetables into his bag whilst holding his apple in his mouth, he fixes his robe and follows Vitor's lead. |
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You take the general directions and walk along the large road to the wall and follow along it. You leave the bustling market behind you and find yourself in more delipidated surroundings. The houses have more scrap then solid wood in place and the road has gone from stone paved to well-walked dirt paths. Small, rickety communal gardens here and there along well communed wells and tiny selection of stalls.
You reach a small collection of stores next to eachother facing a street corner. A small grocer, a tailor, Gellman's Inn and a farmers market. The windows of the Inn are dark and the door is closed, but not locked at a glance. A faint bit of music makes it's way out of the establishment. |
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It seems quiet around this street corner. Few people pass by here and there and some small groups of people are chatting on what would be the sidewalks of the dirt paved roads. People hauling scraps of wood or boxes, a few families carrying produce or materials and small groups of people loitering.
When you get a little closer to the door, you all notice it. Carved ever so lightly in the wood of the doorframe is the Liberty's Edge logo. Mundane enough to be mistaken for a strange grain pattern from just a few feet away.
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Kál notices something different. The small space between the door and the road is "soft" enough to allow for footsteps to be left ever so slightly. You notice a large amount of footsteps leading towards the door, but very few leading away from it. You also notice from the corner of your eye that some one across the road has been staring at you and your group. Medium height, a leather skullcap with a bit of a weathered face and a beard. He wears a short, dark cloak and high, dark-brown boots. |
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As he spots it, Kál points towards the different entryway and says:
"That looks like the way into this place. Seems strangely quiet for the amount of footfall this place attracts, I would anticipate we'll be met with a fair number of folk inside. " While heading to the entryway he spots the man staring at them. He discreetly says to the group: "Seems we're being watched." Kál thinks for a second..."What Vitor did last time seemed to work... here goes nothing..." Kál looks right at the man and preforms the gesture. |
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Vylreene stands next to Kál and performs the gesture with him.
"Don't talk unless he talks first." She whispers to Kál. She keeps a faint smile as she looks around, and briefly makes eye contact with the man as she does this. |
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The man looks for a moment at Kál and then at Vylreene. He makes the same gesture back as he continues on his way down the road leading south, away from you. | |
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Vylreene tries the door, checking if it's locked. Giving a quick peek inside before entering if it isn't. | |
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The door opens to a dimly lit inside. Hooded individuals with their heads down on tables or slouching on the bar counter. In the corner a man softly plays a lute as the man behind the bar is cleaning things while smoking a pipe. | |
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Vaelron is almost holding his breath this time, trying not to make sound. He anticipates Victor's movements to follow where needed. This all will resisting the seducing call of his fellow lute player. " ugh...I would have led to a minor 4th...." He mumbly whispers to himself the bard is focused and holds his Lute firmly in his left hand. |
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You look at the people in the Inn for a moment and see something you missed at first glance in this dark establishment.
Some of the cloaks are streaked red and small pools of the red liquid collect on the floor underneath them. You notice crossbow bolts only just barely peeking through the patrons. Almost everyone seems to have been murdered! The man behind the counter beckons you all and pats the counter infront of some empty seats. He puts down whatever thing he was holding and sets down a few glasses. |
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"Looks like we're just in time for the afterparty" Vylreene says to feign familiarity with the man behind the counter.
She carefully walks further into the establishment, looking behind her to her companions, widening her eyes briefly to signal the need for caution. "Will we be met with the same hospitality as these patrons?" She asks the man as she turns her head back to him. |
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Behind you the door closes quietly, almost beyond notice. The man you saw in the street but a moment ago now stands at the door frame, hands hidden by his cloak. From stairs leading up to the 1st floor, 2 more men appear brandishing shortswords. The man behind the bar lifts up what he was holding and it's revealed to be a loaded crossbow. "You and your Liberty's Edge friends are being removed from Galt, prepare to die." |