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Kal and Vylreene push open the door in the back and are met with a small, ragged looking backyard. Some scrap wood, meager pots of plants and some barrels. It's backed by the stone wall of the city. Looking back to the building, to the right is a small opening between buildings to get back to the main street. Vylreene's hound sniffs her piece of clothing briefly and pauses. The creature turns it's gaze up, to the back of the now burning inn. Vitor and Vaelron behind him run up the stairs to the first floor. Smoke is piling up at the top of the ceiling. From what they can see, it's a simple hallway with very small rooms on each side. The end of the hallway have windows looking out. The closest open window, to the West, swings slightly and permits a small bit of smoke to escape. Vylreene's hound barks loudly as you all see it; a tall humanoid figure, horns, slender frame, dark grey clothing with a hood concealing their face and a long thin tail. They leap swiftly and gracefully from the Farmer store to the roof adjacent and continues their fast pace until they disappears between the crooked and varied styles of roofs. |
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Kál sees the hooded figure make off over the roof tops and decides to try and make chase on the ground. He takes off on a run, slips through the gap in the buildings and out back into the street. He runs in the direction he last saw the figure roof hop to, and attempts to spot and keep track of them. | |
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Vylreene pats the dog on his side.
"Follow that scent!" |
As Vitor peers through the chaos and smoke he sees the scoundrel make his escape. He curses loudly followed by a coughing fit due to the smoke stinging his throat and eyes. Biting through the discomfort Vitor grabs Vaelron by the cloth of his tunic and hastily speaks.
"Damned spawn is taking flight! I cannot follow him, you must fly after him song-bird!" After giving up chase Vitor makes his way down the stairs to rendezvous outside with the others. Vitor witnesses Kàl making chase and Vylreene doing somewhat of the same. "Our foe is lithe and quick, nary a chance I could catch the bastard. Go, make haste. I will rally with thee lot later." Knowing his target will outrun him Vitor instead proceeds to knock on neighboring houses. He attempts to rally the people who have responded into saving their own block and housing. Once enough people have been swayed into action, Vitor takes his leave in the commotion. Knowing there are more important matters. |
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Vaelron runs swiftly to the open window closest to him and takes a deep breath. While he was running he clicks the crossbow into the holster to the side and with great haste clumsily takes off his backpack as quick as he can. He throws his backpack as faraway from the building as possible immediately turns around to Vitor as he throws his Lute over his shoulder. He pulls the strap tight so it stays on his back.
As Vitor grabs him, he listens to what he says he gives him a firm nod. Without hesitation he takes a sprint towards the west window and climbs into the window. He bends his flexible frame as he leans forward to boost himself into the jump towards the roof of the farmer store. He takes a leap |
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The hooded & tailed figure is out of sight by the time Kál arrives at the front of the Inn. Vylreene's hound keeps running, through the little yards entrance it reaches the main road and runs along the road to the South West. It's head fixed to the roofs.
Vitor's knocking opens doors of people peeking out and even those who come running with buckets. The wild flames start gnawing at the roof of Gellmans Inn as bright, fiery light emits from the ground floor windows. Vaelron attempts to leap but catches his foot on some loose roof shillings. His jump is cut short as he falls forward after a small hop. His hands reach the other side of the jump and he can hold on. his feet still rest on the roof of the Inn. |
Away from the flaming ruin Vitor spots the hound dashing past him. With his Bastard-sword sheathed and his hood up he follows the trail calmly. The reality of the notoriety they've gained dawns on Vitor and his body language matches this danger involuntarily. It was clear that no cloak or hood could hide his obvious features, but they could serve as a warning to let this malicious merc be. This would be best unless they want the same treatment as the last man who trifled with him. His steps grew larger, more confident. His breathing slowed, as urgency seemed meaningless. He stowed away his fear and doubt, to make way for cold, calculated ruthlessness. There'd be no more anger or rage when carrying out an assignment, just highly focused violence and havoc. Vitor would promise not to let him or his compatriots' life be threatened again because he did half a job. |
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Kál spots the Hound and takes off in a sprint following where it is going.
He thinks to himself: |
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Vylreene puts away her kukri and chases after the dog as fast as she can. She does not put the hood of her cloak up, and pretends to be a person running away in fear from the burning Gellman's Inn. | |
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Vaelron feels the roof give way underneath his feet
"Oh...Bloody-" He holds on to the other roof, yet also feels that he has a firm grip still with his feet. He bends his knees a little and kicks himself onto the other side immediately before gravity would win the battle of attrition. "Ugh!!! Hmpff!!" He takes a deep breath and sprints towards the place where he last saw the fiend. As he dashes forward his right thumb and ring finger connect. They make the movement in a V and H shape as the bard hums in a clear high pitch tone. He casts Detect Magic |
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The hound leads you more and more South West, closing in on the part of the City Wall which slowly bends South. The row of buildings to your right as you follow the summoned creature has a mixture of different roofs made from scrap and various wood. You spot small, fleeting glimpses of what you think to be your target between the jutting and uneven roofs, still moving along the city wall and running South.
As you come to the part of the road that bends South along the City Wall, you see the hooded and tailed figure leap over the city wall. Disappearing over the edge, out of all of your sight. The summoned hound barks a few times and turns it's attention back to Vylreene, it lowers it's head. You stand before a 3 story building made from rough, but robust wood. It's back leans on the city wall as it supports the smaller buildings next to it. It looks to be a collection of houses with several people tending to small planters, laundry by a small well and a crude large grill in front of the building. Some people look at you as they see you running and the pillar of smoke far behind you. Some try to follow your eyelines to the roofs behind them, but mostly shrug and return to their work or look on in the distance to the North. |
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While Vaelron dashes after the hooded figure, he is able to keep collected and focus.
He senses a weak magical aura ahead of him. |
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Kál stops running when he sees the figure dip over the City Wall, and kicks up some dust in frustration. Kál dusts off bits of char on his clothes and tries to get any dirt out of the burns on his skin. He then turns to get back to the group who are on the ground. While bringing his breathing back under control he says:
"Annoying as it may be, I think we should report back what we know and then pursue that old chapel. I think it's time we go to confession." |
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Vylreene pets and thanks the dog as she sends it back home.
"Nice try, Kodvar. It was nice seeing you again. May it happen again soon if the whims of my magic allow it." She turns to Kal. "Agreed, Murdik might have some insight on how to proceed. Checking out the chapel is definitely worth our time, in my opinion." |
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Vaelron feels the magical aura distancing itself further and further. His feet slow down pace by pace.
"hmmm....what a mess." he says with a sigh. Silently he tries to find roofs that lead him down to the ground. Once he plants his legs back on solid ground he makes way back to where he tossed his backpack. |
Vaelron finds his bag and makes his way to the rest of the group.
The group now makes it's way back to Murdik's manor. Cutting through side streets heading North, you make your way back to the gate. Early on you see many workers run with buckets and some jumping on to carts with a large barrel on it being pulled by horses. Life continues as it did when you passed by before the further you get from Gellmans. Without as much as a glance of the gate guards, you are able to find your way to the manor again. It is roughly 3 in the afternoon with only a few small clouds in the sky. A slight breeze keeps things cool. One of the guards at the gate welcomes you. He points you to the main door across the front yard and nods. |
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Kál nods at the guards and approaches the main door, he knocks and politely awaits a response, hands clasped behind his back. | |
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Vaelron walks underneath the gate passing the guards and nods. He clicks off a bolt from his blackwood handle crossbow and takes the tension off the sinew.
click.. followed by a soft snap. Vaelron stops next to Kál right before the main door as the he watches him knock. The bard turns his head to the monk. "I think it's open, Kál." |
You enter the familiar small mansion. The large staircase before you, the seperate rooms, some with a watchfull guard posted at them. The faint candle light accentuated with warm sunrays from the windows behind you.
Nashu Kiln, the maid and home steward to Edwin, comes down the stairs with a slight smile, a large platter of cups and an elegant flagon. "Welcome back, Sir Murdik is upstairs in his chambers, reading and enjoying some tea. You are free to join him at your leisure. Please let me know if you require anything. I will be in the Ser's chamber again in a brief moment." Nashu gives you a polite curtsey. |
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"Well met, Nashu. We have been in quite a situation. I think we could all use some water. Also do you have something to treat these skin burns."
Vaelron raises his right hand and bends his neck to show some of the blistering burns marks |
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Nashu recoils at the sight of your burn marks. A worried expression forms on her face as she points you to a small set of chairs and a table by the large staircase. From one of the many pouches around her waist she produces a small healers kit with ointment, bandages and disinfectant.
"Oh dear! Please have a seat while I take a look. Sir Murdik can hold for a moment." |
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The musician lets out a sigh of relief
"I suppose sir Murdik can." Vaelron takes a seat right away. He his holding his posture as well as he can. There is a polite smile on his face, yet for those who are observant enough the sweat on his forehead and the shaking hands give away that he's in a fair amount of pain." |
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Kál eagerly takes the offered water and accepts the medical aid for his burns, before stating:
“Thank you Nashu, your assistance is appreciated. We should appraise Sir Murdik of the information we have gathered from this mornings activities, it’s been eventful to say the least.” Kál respectfully takes his leave from the table and heads upstairs to Murdik’s office. |
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Kál knocks on the door to Murdik’s study and opens the door without waiting for a response. He walks in and stands with his hands clasped behind his back and addresses Murdik:
”Sir Murdik, I’m here to provide an update as requested. It’s been a long morning, and we came into some trouble at the Gelman’s Inn near the south-west wall of the city. On entry to the establishment, we were met with numerous dead patrons, and a few hired hands like ourselves behind the bar. They advised us that Liberty’s Edge are being removed from Galt, and that we indeed walked in on a meeting place of theirs. Once they realised, we were not in fact Liberty’s edge, it did not change their mind, and they set on us as they did the patrons.” Whilst talking Kál is subconsciously fixes his robe, before again clasping his hands behind his back. |
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”We managed to gleam some more information from them during the interaction, and it suggests that someone else is aware of your intentions, and that we have been watched since entering the city. They advised that like us, they were hired for another power to extinguish any revolutionary flames from igniting. It very much seems as whoever is behind this, want’s Galt to remain as it always has been and are abhorrently opposed to change.” ”Whoever is behind the slaughter at the Gelman’s operates from the South District. These hired hands informed us that they attend a dead-drop location in an old chapel, apparently there is a hidden compartment within the confessional booth where they retrieve their instructions from.” ”You may also hear rumbling of the Gelman’s being reduced to ash, I enthuse that this was not our doing. As we were… obtaining said information, a third party entered the situation. A tall humanoid with horns and a tail, dressed in grey and their face obscured. They threw a fire-bomb at us and the building was filled with ask and smoke not long after. This figure ran South but escaped over the City wall”. |
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Kál takes a single step forward and locks eyes with Sir Murdik with a neutral expression on his face, as if he is used to reporting findings to higher-ups from a former life.
"Our immediate plan is to scout out this dead drop and get to the bottom of who is instructing such horrors on apparent innocent souls, if you think this is the right move? Do you know anything more of who may work from the South district, or from what I have told you, any more suggestions of where we might focus our attention?” "I would like to request, if you would oblige, a better method of disguising our identities; local clothing, masks, anything that will conceal us further than what our basic cloaks are doing. It doesn’t seem that they worked very well in the first instance, but this could equally be our doing; from talking with the locals, they are quite aware that we do not belong here." |
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Edwin looks at you, then the floor for a moment. "So we have attracted the attention of the Liberty's Edge, but so have those who would work against me to keep their position. It trickles down to the common folk and even calls specialist into the fray. Specialists who would not bat an eye at arson." Edwin locks eyes with Kál as he explains their next step and nods. "The Liberty's Edge being in the South District was the only lead we had. I will call on people in my service to do some research and eavesdropping for groups that might employ the bomber." "I shall have Nashu help tailor some more conspicious clothes. I am not certain what I can offer at the moment but I am more than willing to provide gold should you wish to get some things for yourself and your group at a store." |
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Edwin Murdik exhales a deep sigh. He rubs the left side of his head a bit and closes his eyes. He opens his eyes, clasps his hands and looks Kál in the eyes again.
"Thank you for bringing me this news and your persistence. You and your group have been a great help so far. While the news of the fire in the district pains me, I know you are getting closer and closer to finding out who is overseeing this. I feel a cathartic relief. Thank you, Kál." |
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