A quick list of useful sites I tend to use a lot!
10 Minute Email
Quick, disposable email adress provider. A lot of popular sites won't accept this one though.
Newgrounds - While it's community can be debated in parts, this was the place I saw flash and games come alive.
FF Guides @ Telefragged
An ancient FFTactics guide that I found ages and ages ago. This websites covers the whole game, all secret and even super intricate guides on how every single system in the game works, even the ones the player cannot directly see in any way! This website has always been very precious to me with how methodically it holds so much information.
Igglybuff's resource list
A long github page with many resources for many things. While no longer updated and some pages have gone down, there's still plenty of working links to warrant a visit!
The Gutenberg Project
Free books from all over the place! A massive library of books, ebooks and many more!
Learn Web Design Online!
An ancient site I used to use in middle school when we had to make "normal" webpages. Plenty of info on this page still works and can still be applied.
The Death Generator
A wonderful resource for blank and fillable templates of old games. Remember those old sites where you could "make graffiti" on stock pictures of bridges and walls? That vibe, but with more pixels!
Sadgrl is an iconic part of Neocities with her multitude of resources and tools, check out her
Jeff Humble's glitcher
Quickly glitch up your pics with this fun tool.
8mb Compresser
Compress most files to 8mb or less.