Welcome to DeadWeb! A little spot where I drone on endlessly about old shows, games, stuff I p2p shared, webcomics and how I watched so much junk through winamp Shoutcast.

And more!

This site is my little archive of days gone by dressed in an eyesore of late 90's design, before we got cool at the end. I hope to learn how to put a song in the background at low volume and commision Joan for a fun, lofi-ish dnb track.

I pray you're seeing this text as Terminal, not like, Times Dorky Romans. I have a lot of work to do on what would be the simplest site. One where I get to just yell on and on about little media from decades ago.

But I gotta find a lot of old pictures and screenshots. Gonna have to edit super compressed and crunchy anime into a Winamp Shoutcast UI. I need to see if FFmusic is still online, I need to play Simgirl and show you all how charasmatic and strong I am.

I need to show or recreate old profile sites and maybe even my own old MSN Spaces site or worse; the old Hetnet site I had where I collected Final Fantasy and DBZ sprites.

Do you like how the site fits snuggly on half of your screen? You can keep your discord, movie or whatever else on the other side!