I forget when I exactly found online animations, but I think a friend pointed me to Albino-Blacksheep and Newgrounds around like 99?
I was not that much of a fan of the edgy junk, but it was part of the landscape. People being able to use the swears and make the jokes they would get slapped for on the outside of the monitor. I'm reminded of early OneyNG, Stamper and all that.
I remember replaying videos often. I must have watched stuff like Final Fantasy A+ hundreds of times.
A lot of people pine for the days of Newgrounds and I never understand it. It's still there, it was always there. People just walked away. I even peaced out for like a decade when teenage and young adult junk started eating my time.
I fondly remember watching Knox videos or dropping down the Animutations line and rewatching all of Arfenhouse. Laughing at stuff like Metal Gear Fiesta, Neon Genesis Evangelion Dating Sim and Is This What You Want.
To a fun degree I did get to see the people I followed back then come so far in the current day.